
By irunlykagirl


Tomorrow continues our weather inspired monoMonday month with #mm76 being #Autumn (these are the hashtags I will search)

Weatherly speaking today alone it has dropped 20 hectopascals in what they are calling the Antarctic Vortex!! We got to a top temp of 11C....but walking home I'm pretty sure the 'feels like' got nowhere near that.

I quite often use this to determine laundry for the day & if it's a clothesline or undercover drying day. I often find there's about 45-90mins between change in hPa & the arrival of rain.

Tonight Facebook has pics of snow in the mountains as well as relatives just outside Naribri also in the snow. Naribri is near QLD.

July Mono-monday info
Hearts awarded Wednesday morning my time... Happy days

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