Baking all by myself - or trying to

Here you see the problem I have when I am trying to bake (in this case, savoury muffins) - Baby is always trying to muscle in and of course he is too little to be able to effectively help, but he is not too little to knock me off balance. Also, I am having to use a spatula because the electric mixer (even the new one) doesn't like me.
Mummy has no voice so she is having trouble telling us what to do. We therefore had to stay at home and then I got the iPad while Baby slept. 
After a bit of tea, we went out onto the planny where there was supposed to be a party. Armed with our baked goods and other supplies, we found only one other family. However, eventually others, including the people with the barbecue, joined us, so we could cook our raw meat. By that time, I was pretty full of crisps and cake though.
Baby went off to bed pretty late but due to the large amount of light, he would not go to sleep, and was still awake when Daddy and I came home - very late indeed. The extra photo shows baby basking in the light.

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