Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Skater Boy

It was Godson 2's birthday today, and his party was at the local skating rink. I don't skate, and the thought terrifies me, but I don't tell the kids that! The minis had mixed reactions to the party on the way there. Master Pink was excited, and once there was eager to have a go, but clung to the sides of the rink for a while. Miss Pink was adamant that she didn't want to do skating. After half an hour or so she tried on her skates, and slowly, in her own time, and by her own rules she was skating on the rink with no help! Master Pink went round with our friend Lou who had the patience to help him gain some confidence, while miss Pink skated about a bit, came off the rink, and then did a bit more.
They made me proud tonight, for their perseverance, and their courage.

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