Life of Noo

A bit like the life of Riley, whoever he was! But so it should be!!!

Both boys helped Graham with his running group while I worked this morning. They then went to "Sherry's" for breakfast without me - boo hoo before taking ZQ to choose a present for his friend Tilly (who just happens to share a birthday with me!! 37 years apart, I hasten to add....) They dropped him at her party before meeting me in Horam for a cup of tea and cake. This pic was taken on the swing in the garden of the cafe. KJD has been here - I wonder if she went on the swing???

Noo and I fell asleep when we got home. Luckily GravyC didn't and remembered to collect ZQ from the party. He was home for an hour or so before deserting us again for camping at Tilly's......

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