Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

All hail the Kale

Well that was one tough Monday back to school.

Between Mr G starting his new job and needing a lift to work at 7.10, to getting Claire ready for school and out the door at 8.30. Dropping her off at school then driving to my training course. Back to school for lunch time to find out that Claire didn't have a good day; no blazer for assembly, having to borrow one and the sensory overload that ensued. Then just to complete the day, dental appointment for Claire and I at new dentist practice, without Claire being able to change into play clothes. BIG DEAL. However, I managed to get her into the surgery and comply with the Dentist. (Claire doesn't like him because "he's patronising, by calling me a clever girl"). Actually it's probably more to do with my pre-warning him on her medical form about autism, unfamiliar people, touching her face and meltdown.
And finally, I pick up a very tired Mr G in Castle Cary at 4.30. He's absolutely shattered and has been snoring his head off for the past 2 hours.
But my day is nearly over, I've cooked dinner, done a pile of ironing, listened to Claire's grievances about her day and finally checked on the seeds in the greenhouse.
Kale is definitely in the lead and now needs to be thinned out.

I'll leave it for another night, I'm all out of steam.

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