Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Red Square

First day in Russia, and after a snooze to get over the flight, it was into work mode for the first of many official receptions and dinners.

The evening included a cultural "tour" of Russia's 83 regions - 83! I just can't get over the scale of this place. Moscow has 11m "official citizens" alone - though it is thought to be approaching 14m. We had some absolutely incredible singers and dancers who performed for us - with a highlight for me coming from the area closest to Uzbekistan, with some stunning singing (the kind featured on the soundtrack for the online movie "Home" if you are familiar) - heartstoppingly beautiful.

We also got a night tour of Red Square, which was a real thrill. I just adored the over-the-top nature of St Basil's - it almost looks like a cartoon or a cardboard cut out!

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