Interesting Sky

It's been a long and tiring day today ... working non-stop from 5:45 this morning, until 3:15 this afternoon ... It wouldn't have been so bad if things had gone smoothly, but it was one of those days when nothing seemed to fit properly ... I seemed to spend most of the day going around in ever decreasing circles, getting more and more frustrated ... :o/
(Note: Several expletives were removed from the above paragraph prior to posting.)
Because today had been so hectic ... and because I felt so tired ... and because I hadn't had much of a chance to take any reasonable photos ... I put a plan into action ...
The plan was as follows:
1.) Go for a quick walk around Bordeaux to see if there was anything interesting to take a picture of.
2.) Publish my picture on 'blipfoto'.
3.) Get to bed for an early nights sleep.
The first part of my plan seemed to work out okay, but as I went to post my blip, the internet went down for about an hour ... (so my early night is not quite so early) ... :o|
Never mind ... Hopefully I'll be in the land of nod soon ... :o)

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