
By GloryGlory

A feast for the senses

Mum arrived yesterday, not seen her in a bit so was good to catch up. The day was spent sanding and oiling a garden bench Mr B and I have inherited from Mama; Mums Mum. 

After collecting the chiders from school we went to the elderflower tree of 2 years ago. Last years elderflower cordial was very below par (Sorry Bullivants!) So after reading that different trees can yield different results of cordial we headed back to where we harvested a good vintage. Master B remembered the adventure as soon as we got to the farm gate! I too remember the day well, it was magical. Here Miss B treks back to the car, happy as larry.

Tonight we went to see the chidlers in the school evening performance of "Alibaba and the bongo bandits" it was really very good!

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