Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Every picture

tells a story - right?

I ventured out into my sweltering hot garden to find an insect to blip.

My first encounter was with a tiger mozzie which I murdered then and there, smashed agaist my leg.

Next I blipped the dead chestnut leaves. Iìve been growing the little tree  since 1997 with little success.

The tiny beetle was scurrying up and down the lemon tree trunk with no evident objective.

While looking for spiders I noticed that  we have a handful of peaches hidind behind the foliage.

''TWAS then I saw the dead RAT, beneath the lemon tree,  covered in flies! 

Rather than put it in the recycling bin together with the vegggie waste, I  hastily buried it.

I wonder whether a clever dick will discover it and conclude that rats bury their dead.

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