Today I went in to town again, my third time this week!
Went to Boots and spent lots of money..... :/ haha

Came home, had lunch, relaxed in the sunshine, played the piano, had a lovely phone call with Bethany. ( It's great having an older sister. :D)

In the evening we went to Granny and Aunty Ray's house for dinner as a kind of goodbye meal for me. Aunty Ray cooked a delicious Thai meal for us. She has lived in Thailand for a while so she is really good at cooking authentic Thai food!
Had a lovely evening watching Wimbledon, looking at hilarious old photos and chatting. 
Everybody prayed for me as well for my trip. It really makes me appreciate being brought up in a Christian family. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many wonderful people who are always there to support and pray for me. :)

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