Very Funny

Lizzie's laughing because I ended up without a blip tonight and for some reason she found that amusing.  This is about the extent of her cooperation to pose even though she spent her evening reclining on the patio.  I believe she was waiting for our new neighbor cat, Tony, to appear so she could put on her Miss Huffy Puffy act and make a lot of unpleasant noises.  Tony, by the way, is a dear, affectionate creature and if he makes a point of visiting often I may have to lecture Lizzie on the benefits of being neighborly, a concept she doesn't seem to care for. She's very territorial and defends her yard enthusiastically.  I've given her the usual "there's enough love/food/space, etc. for everyone" speech a number of times, but looks like  I'm going to have to do it again.   I wonder if she'd be nice to a kitten.  I don't want to sacrifice some innocent little furball, but I really have a sneaky suspicion she'd like some company.  I'm pretty sure she misses Snuffy.  

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