
...............But not for long??? 

I’m spending a lot of my time being naughty at the moment???  Being naughty is fun!!!

Do you want to know what I did today?...........................

......................I went to work with Ann.  We walked the long route to work but I was on my lead for the whole time.  So when it was ‘going home time’ Ann said, ‘Molly, we’ll walk home via the fields so that you can have a bit of off your lead time.  However, you must NOT, under any circumstances, go wallowing in troughs.  We’re hosting the ressie association AGM at our house this evening and I do not want all the neighbours thinking you are a stinky, dirty, little collie.’

Well do you know what happened?..................................

..................I walked perfectly past the old bath that I jumped in yesterday because I was on my lead, I walked perfectly past the trough in the cow field, because the cows looked a bit scary and were giving me the evils??!!...........................

...................And then I walked along the lane.  Normally when I walk along the lane.................  I just walk along the lane?!  Today I was a bit hot and we had to pass the horse field.  Normally I don’t pay any attention to the horse field.  I know the horses are there, but there’s a wall around their field so I can’t get to them.  But today I was really, really hot.  And I know that fields that have animals in them also have water.................  So do you know what I did?????????????

...............I squeezed myself underneath the gate into the horse field and went running around until I found an old bath filled with yuky water, I jumped in and had a good old wallow to cool myself down.

We were literally about 5 mins from home so Ann went mad at me............................

....................And then half an hour later all the neighbours came round for our ‘Ressie AGM’ and I went into ‘mega show off, spoilt little brat mode’.

.....................I am soooooo, soooooo, soooooo in Ann’s bad books at the moment???!!!

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