Land Of Legends

Sagnlandet Lejre (Land Of Legends) or as it is also called Centre for Historical-Archaelogical Research and Communication was etablished in 1964 as an archaeological research station in a unique moraine landscape with woodland, lakes, bogs and fields near Roskilde. It is a center, where professionals from within cultural-historical disciplines can do their research,but also an open air museum, where people of all ages can experience our ancestors’ daily life from the ice age and up till the viking age. It is a great place to visit.

Helle and I met this morning to tidy up after the puppies, so Gollum and Ex-it met again after having been seperated for 1½ day. We made a video of their reunion - click here to see it :-)

When we were done tidying up, we took the puppies to Land of Legends. It was a great experience for them. They met vikings with big beards and saw all kinds of weird and funny stuff. The extra photos today are of the pups meeting vikings of all ages.

When the pups were exhausted, we put them i a crate in Helle's car and left them to sleep, whilst we took the adult dogs for a lovely walk.

So now I have 4 tired dogs sleeping next to me. Ahhhh bliss! 

Yesterday night Gollum had 2 hours from 7 to 9 pm, where he went crazy. He was being very silly. Some of the time he was playing in his puppy pen, but most of the time he was biting me and chewing on everything near him. Phew! It looks like he is too tired for this today :-)
See him play here. 

My blip today is Gollum and Ex-it vising an Iron Age house/tent. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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