The Mother Church

Today was much less humid than yesterday, so we decided to take a long walk down to the Christian Science Plaza -- site of Mary Baker Eddy's Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist.  We'd never visited before, so it was interesting.

There is a fabulous, long reflecting pool with a wonderful sparkling fountain at one end, full of happy, cavorting children.  There were also really lovely gardens lining one of the long sides of the reflecting pool, and this magnificently ornate church on the other side.  Also in the same complex, there is the Mary Baker Eddy Library with its fascinating Mapparium -- a three story high stained glass globe which was constructed in 1935.  You can walk inside the globe on a suspended bridge and see how the world looked way back then.  Unfortunately, no photography was allowed, so you will have to take a peek at the link above to see what it looks like.

A delicious, leisurely lunch outdoors at Daniel Boulud's Bar Boulud on Boylston Street, and then the long amble back home.  A lovely way to spend part of the day!

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