Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

i-eye Day 35:- Is this burning.... Eternal Flame? Indeed it is, on John F Kennedy's grave at Arlington Cemetery. It was pretty hard to see the flame in the sun, in fact my big camera totally failed but the iPhone managed it.

We started by visiting the very powerful Korean War Memorial (see extras) and the Vietnam Memorial, then the boys took it into their heads to walk across the bridge to Arlington. Much protesting from Sarah and me, and we were proved right when we were all nearly passing out with the heat.

We just about staggered to JFk's grave, but my plan of seeing the Space Shuttle memorials was scuppered as it would have involved walking another fifteen minutes in a furnace! We are back at the hotel now waiting for the midday heat to pass. This is the first time I ever recall waking up, looking out of the window and groaning because the sun is shining. Give us an hour to recover and we shall head out again - probably to the Newseum or maybe the natural history museum.

Off to the beach tomorrow for a few days R and R - maybe then I'll stop whinging about the heat!

More fruit for breakfast. I think I would be thin if I lived here.

DC is a fascinating city - I can't wait to get home and watch Series 3 of House of Cards! I can recommend a trip here if you like history - maybe don't come in July though.

Later :- we went to Newseum; one of the best museums I have ever visited, and my son says it is his favourite. Then Italian food. All is good.

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