
By Chrissie1butter

Quarry Bank Mill

WEA day out with fellow photo not good
Very " drizzly"... And there were 350 Children there from various was a treat from 'Manchester Airport' for having 100% attendance ..
What an interesting , educational place to visit.....I was actually here a few weeks ago but I didn't go into the mill I just visited the Gardens and the cafe of course.....
4pm appt for Pedicure
Then straight on to Helens in order to pick up the girls to take Georgina for her school Dance presentation. At The Plaza' in Stockport... ( Helen had a booked appt with her job....she is a teacher) Alexia and I watched children receive awards for various sports activities
For 2 hours.......Georgina's school dance presentation didn't take place until 8.05......Alexia was ' flagging by this time because it was past her Bedtime.....Helen picked us up
Then Helen and I had a Chinese take away...oh well there goes my healthy eating ( I gave gone up one dress size Arrrgggh!!!!)

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