wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Weekly address

Tony Tigerbear here.
I hope you all notice my house. There is now a garden on each side of the door. It's a new addition. my exact words were:
"Seriously mom? You know they aren't real"

It kind of gives my house a bit of class and of course when I tear them out and pull them inside of my house, (where they can be punished accordingly) they are ok.
Kind of like Mia Undria. She is my aunt.
( papa's cat). She bites my bum. She is a cheeky monkey. I bite her too. She also jumps on me and flips me over and bites my tum tum tummy. Mia is about half of my size and 13 years old. I am a big boy. A big boy on my back. I don't understand how she does it. It's irritating me. She won't stop.

so, you want to know a secret?
They are the best. I figure all day is good. I must stay up all night. There is stuff going on. There are noises, that need to be investigated. I can nap sitting up. Until I fall down. Mom laughs like crazy. I give her a bad look. It can't last too long I still love her and.... Also she feeds me....sometimes I have to wait hours between meals But never the less, she comes through.
Meanwhile at home, the birds still taunt me. What is up with that? Every once in a while one lands on the bush in front of the window and laughs at me. I make really funny noises when they do that. They fly away chuckling. So glad I am successful at comic relief.

Wait there is a noise.......its a crinkle of paper....downstairs. it must be investigated.
Time to go. I am already tired. So good morning Downunder and goodnight to the north.

See you soon.

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