Passion Flower.... of my favourite flowers.

Had a nice morning at work despite a very stinky nappy all the way home!

Then popped to Crawley to look for a new outfit ready for Daughter Number 2's Graduation next week. Came home with nothing!

Tried on a few outfits from my 'slimmer days' wardrobe. Nothing fitted. Then got stuck inside a dress for 2 hours after the hanging ribbon got caught in the zip under my arm. It wasn't going to budge and Mr W was out so couldn't  help. And that put pay to trying anything else on! He had a good laugh over the phone when I told him though.

Im so disappointed with myself for allowing myself to get so out of shape and Im having a bit of a body image crisis. Having a wardrobe sort out doesn't help - looking back at my size 10's and wishing I could get in them again instead of creeping up to a size 14, sometimes a 16. Very depressing.

Anyway, its looking like a tight pair of trousers and an oversized flowing silk top it will be next week.

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