
By Madchickenwoman


Well this was suppossed to be a haybale blip! I had seen a beauty of a field with them earlier in the week but could I find it today? Nope! I walked the busy main road, diving on and off  the grassy verge to avoid being hit, then i drove the route back and forth. I guess the farmer got to them before I could! Lesson to self - take it when you see it or it might not be there again. Rather like my mantra for everything else I see and want and buy!!!
So I finally turned down a road I had never ventured down before in the hope I would see another field with them in - I didn't! But I did pass above Cotehele Mill which I have rarely done and was taken with this different view - so took many of it, standing on the old stone wall to do so - did I mention I was wearing heels? Well I was! On the way back to the car I was caught by the huge trees so took them, then I spotted the foxgloves and there I went! Bokeh heaven! 
I commented to another blipper today that  I like it when a blip just happens - when my hands  can't get my camera out fast enough and I coo in anticipation and delight - that feeling when  taking photographs is the best - I'm not liking the "what can I blip" feeling that sometimes occurs - that feels like the wrong motivation  - blipping a photo  should  just be the added pleasure of hopefully sharing it with others. I must admit I do wonder once I reach a year if I will only  blip as and when. A certain degree of worry is creeping in and that shouldn't be and is just plain silly. I can worry quite easily and have enough as it is with Friend and chickens, the state of the world in general! I can't see myself ever being without my camera but I want the spontaneity and thrill of using it - there is beauty everywhere I look and I won't ever stop looking or appreciating that! 
So today two different sparkles! Because I'm greedy and I want it all!!!!!

P.S. Orchid cuttings sent today ( if anyone would like one I can take more cuttings!) - sadly I  discovered the old Post office is moving to the Spa shop! Ladies were not thrilled at the thought it was clear from their faces - I did say I loved the building  and it had soul - that can not be said for the Spa shop! The ladies agreed. Everyone needs soul and sparkles in their life - hopefully they will discover some when they are there. 

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