5years 260days

They had been excited about the 100party since it was announced last week. I think they oversold it to the children. These are after all 5year olds who expect party clothes, party food and party games for it to be a party. Katie's first words when she came out of school was "that was NOT a good party", with an epic scowl. She knew there wouldn't be food or clothes, but the staff had promised games. I suspect it was Mathematical challenges rather than games. And a long showing of the 60+ sets of "100 of something". She said she did get to make buns and biscuits "but we didn't get to eat them so it doesn't count".

She was pleased though to have had pain au chocolat, croissants and toast with nutella in their class French lesson.

She said "in phonics today, we had to write some funny sentences. I wrote 'always jump on a cow' and 'always let a goat eat your hair' !"

She told me excitedly that she had been back to her y1 classroom today to spend time with the other teacher of the job share. She said "the pegs don't have the year 1 names on anymore, they have ours on! I found mine!" She is disappointed that in year 1 they are only allowed to eat their fruit at break times- in Foundation the children get to choose when they eat their snack and it's quite common to see them wandering round with carrots or bananas as they play/work. I think this will be an example of the on-the-surface small changes that katie will in fact really notice in the transition from Foundation. 9 days left and my girl has finished her first year at school. First school trip tomorrow

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