
I may have mentioned a while back that a Hen Blackbird was shouting at Merlot on a regular basis. Well the shouting has got fact as soon as the door opens & Merlot looks out one or both appear & start shouting very loudly. He has gone out several times today but has come galloping back in after a good talking to by the Blackbirds. It is almost as though they are obsessed with him in fact at this very minute they are shouting at the open door & he is asleep in his bed with one eye open...

An easier day than yesterday & I would just like to say Thanks to everyone for your birthday wishes. It is very much appreciated.

Whilst we were out yesterday I spotted some rather good graffiti art on the side of a bridge spanning the Thames.....I was impressed with it & decided to look it up not expecting to find much. Well I did find out some stuff & it turns out that the pictures are "interactive" of all things. They have their own dedicated app which when downloaded & the phone pointed at the mural the faces talk to you. The artist is Cosmo Sarson and as ever he has his own website where you can view the pictures "talking".....fascinating stuff. My extra is a hastily taken shot as we went past on the "boat". If you want to know more about it click on the link:

A fine day with rain showers - oh yes & I saw a Spitfire again this morning...but alas no camera...

Don't forget its bin night so green rubbish tonight & food waste only...sorry it may be my age...

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