Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

100 blips!

100 blips! Phew! And what could I do to celebrate? I tried jumping like aprecious, but could only manage a couple of inches - not enough to get an airborne shot. I even tried jumping off the chair, but the neighbour downstairs complained.

So I tried levitation. This is quieter, and much more relaxing. In fact, you can practise it while slumped on the sofa watching TV. I got quite a lot of practice last weekend during the Jubilee coverage, when I wasn't dozing off. At first I could only manage an inch or two, but soon I could float over the coffee table. I had to do it in the privacy of my own home, but now that I've mastered it, I may do some levitation outside...

What can I say? I'm loving blip. It's my first thing in the morning and last thing at night ritual (thanks to my new iPad) with many, many peeps in between. I'm completely hooked - to the detriment of housekeeping, breadmaking, reading books, reading newspapers, soup making, lino cutting, foreign language learning, gym going, swimming lessons, hang gliding, pottery. (I'm fibbing about a few of those).

I no longer just watch TV. I browse blipfoto on my iPad while TV is on. I only actually watch TV when I have to read the subtitles on those Nordic crime dramas.

I've had an excuse to buy some new toys. A new DSLR. A new lens. A new iPad with iPhoto on it for holidays. And it's awakened a keener interest in the world around me. I won't miss an episode of Springwatch now, and it's not just because a certain BO isn't presenting any more.

I am constantly looking up, down, around and importantly, back, even when I don't need a blip. Walking anywhere is a trial for any companions. And I have to leave half an hour earlier if I have to be somewhere at a certain time.

A huge thank you to the stalwarts who comment every day - I really appreciate it and look forward to your bon mots. Thanks to all who pop in, and to those kindly giving stars and favs - I've even hit the Spotlight a few times - so chuffed!

Every day it's a treat. There are people who make me gasp in awe at their photos. There are people who make me nearly choke on my Shreddies /scone/Magnum Classic- they are so amusing with their blurbs and comments. I need to get organised with my subscriptions, but rest assured, I do a daily check on my subscribers too.

Thanks to the blip folk, too, for making it all possible.

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