Down the hatch!

I've been very good today ....... most unlike me!!! I have actually washed the curtains, cleaned the windows & put the curtains back up! It seemed like a good idea as it was cool & grey this morning ....... warming up now though. I shall have to find something naughty to do tomorrow ....... can't do with losing my reputation!!! I'm supposed to be growing old disgracefully!!!! :-)

Caught sight of this fledgling Sparrow being fed ........ chuffed I managed to get the timing right! So good to see yet more babies ...... they seem to have done well this year :-)

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments, stars & hearts on yesterday's Bee-fore the rain ....... really chuffed as it made the popular pages ...... in fact it's still on there at this moment :-))

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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