With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Red hot

Thanks for the heart yesterday Red. You would have loved the biennale at Giardini today. This is the Japanese exhibit.

We had been flagging a little after an early trip to the Rialto market and many of the 'houses' were a little lack lustre. But then came Canada, (hilarious, with a pretend shop with blurry labels, I could have stayed there for hours as people tried to buy packets and bottles off the shelves; then thousands of paint pots piled on top of each other amidst crazy junk and a giant coin drop perched tree house like above), Korea with a futuristic girl trapped in space/time, Japan here and the magnificent new Australia building housing Fiona Hall's Wrong Way Time. She blew me away with the sheer intricacy, hard work and deep thought that put the efforts of so many other countries to shame. 

Cooking time now, still feeling that buzz from magnificent art. What a fabulous day. More veal for tea...

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