Sleep tight

More nocturnal wanderings last night. Fortunately she has always headed straight to our room and climbed into our bed. She was chatting away about the crocodile from the cricket and where was he? Left her for about ten minutes until she was peaceful and then took her back to her own room. I left her with gromit, he's mine, he's been everywhere with me since I was about 15. I told her gromit was staying the night with her to look after her. First thing she said to us this morning, gromit stayed the night to look after me.

Work, survived
Two happy children collected from nursery, Wom was apparently very excited to see his key worker was back from her holidays.

Spoke to daddy, he's away again.
Baths and beds
Munchie asked for gromit to look after her, how could I refuse? Only problem is, who do I now cuddle and who looks after me as lee is away?

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