Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

15 Years Old

15 years ago today my first born child was dragged kicking and screaming into the world. Then he went a bit quiet and blue for a bit. And then he started kicking and screaming again. Which seems to be a pattern he has continued through his life so far (minus the going blue bit).

It's been a quiet day compared to yesterday. A couple of soccer games, where G got his obligatory 15 birthday punches from every single one of the 22 other players in his team. His arm is a bit sore tonight, it has to be said.

And seeing as he is on a bit of a homeward stretch now, in that there are only 3 years left until he heads into the big, wide world, we celebrated by letting him have the "I'm Special Today" plate. I was quite scathing when my husband bought it, but the kids seem to love it. The Weirdos.

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