Graffiti Boat

Went over to my Mum and Dad's today, like most Mondays. Today we went over to Sleaford to do the Tesco shop. My Mum had been complaining that her knees hurt, but once we were in Tesco she seemed to run round the shop. I don't know if my Dad managed to get everything he wanted as he was rushing to try to keep up with her.

When we went out, we had a lovely chat with a retired (I imagine) couple driving a vintage Daimler, who had an incredibly cute young Jack Russell in a bed like Minstrel's cat-bed in the back of the car!

I still hadn't got a Blip - I should have asked if I could photograph the dog! But when I came back into Lincoln I saw this unusually painted boat on the river in town. It is hard to take a river shot in town that doesn't include at least one swan!

I had my second Tesco trip after that, so we could do our weekly shop!

Glad to be home!

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