Coffee with Mum and Dad

João Gilberto & Stan Getz - Desafinado

Today was hanging out with the folks and going to the local cafés. Melbourne's coffee culture is huge and pretty much every little area that you go to serves Italian style coffee. Most places these days have a rather interesting breakfast / lunch menu. Just near my house are three cafes similar in nature. Went to Camberwell as well to get some more blu-rays which included La Haine, Pusher (both the Scandinavian and English versions), Whiplash and Chronicle. They're all very much "my" kind of film. So it's really lucky of me to have folks that also enjoy these kinds of movies. I saw The Raid 2 last night too which was crazy violent and exciting. I also watched Django Unchained for the 4th time after The Raid 2 and despite only wanting to watch the special features, I couldn't helped but be sucked in to watch the entire film. Man, it's great.

I've tried a few times to watch Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 but I must admit, despite being technically amazing and important, I can't really slip into it as easily as Django Unchained. Perhaps because it's the kind of Italian cinema that requires a lot of background prepping before "reading" it. I've never seen an Italian neo-realistic film before so that'd probably help a lot. But I suppose it's similar to Dario Argento in some ways in that the film flows through subconscious symbolism rather than square plotting.

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