Lovely sky on the lovely day
Woke up in the late morning since I was knackered from the two days' trip in Lake District. This afternoon I met up my Taiwanese friend and had a chat. He seems super busy with the course dissertation, the other english teaching course and job hunting. But the happy thing is that he said he might come to Japan as an English teacher so it would be amazing if I could have a reunion with him there. It always makes me feel happy when others get an interest in my home country! Also I've been thinking if I could do a master degree in Taiwan, for the last two years, so the talk kinda encouraged me to do so. I'm not sure if I seriously seek to do it, but let's see what will happen to myself later.
After, I met my friends to finish off food which he've got left, 600g pasta and 400g rice with some vegetable, eggs and meat even though he's leaving tomorrow. Thus, we three tried to finish off them, but we ended up leaving a bit of them since our stomachs were about to burst. The rest hopefully will be his breakfast tomorrow. It was tight, but I realised how happy we were to eat as much food as we could.
The picture I took is Firth Court on my way home.
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