Sunday: Art Pavilion
You see, this is why you should never announce things in advance on here - my photography commission, which I so grandly mentioned yesterday, has been moved to next week so you will just have to continue watching this space, I'm afraid.
This meant that the day was freer than expected which was absolutely no bad thing. It was hot today - dang hot! It's still 30 degrees now at 10.30 I didn't have the will for a long walk, other than to get a shot in my well-milked 'Scenes of Zagreb' series - this is the Art Pavilion, venue of many an excellent exhibition.
But I did manage to finish 'No Country For Old Men' by Cormac McCarthy which just goes to confirm my love/dislike relationship with him. I love some, I struggle with others. I definitely prefer his novels that don't involved hours of horseback riding through bush and scrub. All this to say, I loved it!
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