Bright and Sunny

Bet it isn't like this next weekend when I am away for a photographic trip.

The tiles are up and looking good (didn't shoot them because there were 2 people in the midst of grouting) but the sink failed to arrive yesterday.

Went in to MFI at Straiton in Edinburgh where the kitchen was ordered ........... there were piles of MDF that used to be displays and some hobs and ovens lying about and that was all.
Turns out this branch is shutting as part of the management buyout restructuring.
Needless to say - the staff were unhelpful to the point of rude when we asked about contacting head office regarding complaints.
The 2 blokes we spoke to were extremely lucky that they didn't get a punch in the mouth.
Their only saving grace is that they have no jop as of when the doors shut.

I took some shots of one of Dads retirement gifts which have been sitting gathering dust for the last few years.
One day I may clean them up and shoot them properly.

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