Journey 2 Ithaki

By Journey2ithaca

The golden gate...

...on race day

And the high stone wall garden

I am cooking at the moment and I am not sure I ll return to blip to write a long post. If you read yesterday s post you ll know which gate is this.

The relay race on this warm Sunday was...

here is my little report

...well I had a great run with JH a super lovely guy and very talkative just how I like it
over the magic moors on this fairly hot day doing leg 5 of the MWR, and although it was a mass start for us we were at the leading pack of 5 pairs of runners all the way to the finish when we actually overtook two with a gorgeous sprint finish. And the broken toe didn't dampen my spirits for a nicely paced run. 11.2 miles in 1:33 over some amazing hills and very soft and wet trails. And an unexpected swim in a waist high bog!

All good, what s next? Btw felt really strong and I could have finished 10 minutes earlier as the legs galloped like a steam engine, but relays are relays and I loved running with JH!

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