It's a sign!

This morning I was up early as usual and decided to nip up to Asda. It had been raining but had stopped when I left at quarter to seven but when I came out the shop to go home again it was torrential. I got soaked walking to the car and it was very close to the door as it was quiet that early.

I got home and Daisy wanted out so I opened the back door and out she went, only to appear ten minutes later soaked to the skin. Not long after that the thunder and lightning started. There was one particular crack of thunder that was possibly the loudest I have heard, the house actually seemed to shake. Daisy wasn't bothered at all.

Mum and Jim came down and I took them for lunch at the cafe that my friend introduced me to last Sunday. We had a lovely lunch and as I was leaving I noticed this sign on the wall.

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