Heading Home. (Crown Range)

(Children  Ask your parents first as this can be a seriously dangerous road in Winter) 

Fun day today…The Bossess decided to have a NW day  (no work) and we all took off over the hill to Arrowtown where shops were investigated, crepes were eaten Lemon and sugar, Butter and sugar, and we went walking through what is known locally as Millbrook which is a very nice development around a golf course which has allowed a major walking trail through it and dogs are allowed (under control of course) This is great as I am always UC (universal chaos) No No No…Under that control thingie. Well being as I am somewhat attached it is sorta a given…Sigh.
Hey, gotta bark about your enthusiasm for my hair stylist. Thank you   (Applause)   
While we were about The B’s met with some friends and I met with their Poodle. I have never liked Poodles and this one was added to that list after it tried to bite my head off and other unmentionable activities not suited for a family photo place. She (The Poodle) was reprimanded by her boss’s but I was delighted to be bark in my cosy corner of Suzz well out of her curly black way.
Then as the sun went down we went home…see above.

Oh…iPhone in burst mode behind the front windscreen while moving. Don't even think about stopping and getting out, instant crash potential.

Oh Oh…The Bossess had THE VERY BEST walking day since her surgery and as she wasn’t all that fussed about extra cheese she got to chose tonights Blip as a reward. Not my choice I would have taken the cheese...

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