Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Anyone for tennis

Had a super, but very long and very hot, day at Wimbledon today. We got up before 5am ready to catch the 6:05 coach to Victoria bus station then a train to Wimbledon. It was so ridiculously hot before we even got to the gates but that didn't dampen our spirits. Forced myself to watch After the boss fantasised about Dimitrov I forced myself to watch Sharapova grunting all over the court, she is rather cute. 

But for me i preferred watching and photographing the outside courts, its great to get uncles and personal with the players. 

We eventually caught the 10pm coach back home and arrived in Newport at about 00:45. After driving back home we had a drink, sorted ourselves out and finally made it to be by 2am, well worth it though.

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