Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Old relics.

Today we took Mr K (the Canadian) to see Stonehenge. Kind of a first for us as well as we had only ever seen it from the road through a chain link fence - and now it's all nattily organised, hidden behind a swanky visitors centre, accessed via natty shuttle buses, It helped that the sun was shining and it wasn't too crowded, but the selfie sticks were out in force while the stones kept their secret....who did it and why?
Our next visit was the White Horse at Westbury. Again we had only seen the horse from the road way down below, so this time we visited from the top of the hill (whhich just so happens to be were King Alfred saw off the Vikings at the Battle of Ethandun in AD878). There were amazing view over the Wiltshire countryside with a balmy breeze taking the edge of the heat of the day. 
This was all followed by a lovely meal in the Three Daggers nearby - which just happens to be right next door to where my brother lives.

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