Day by day in pics...

By LilShaz

So fresh n so clean

Day 54 streaking

Saw my very good friend and trainer Danielle at the Nike 10k on Sunday. And asked if I was free on Tuesday because she had a spare ticket for an Abel & Cole event.

The three F's popped into my head..Friend, Food and Free!! Of course I said YES!

So I headed down to Hoxton Arches for this event, we was the first people there. And got to sample the amazing fresh salads, sauces and breads. And washed it down with some gin and gin and vodka cocktails...yes the night was getting better.

Got taught how to make pesto with cashew nuts and mozzarella. Had a masterclass on how to store and grow herbs.

The staff was friendly and knowledgable and after tasting the food and knowing how different it tastes from supermarket organic. I was sold into registering with Abel & Cole to get a box of fresh organic fruit and veg delivered to me.

Had such a lovely evening of good friends and good food.

Could this be the beginning of my eating clean journey?


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