Another 'mergency blip... Asha would say!
It seems I'm rubbish at parenting on my own AND blipping. 
Asha had another fabulous morning at Summer School (9-2), when I collected her, the kids were all in pairs in a darkened room, stroking each others faces with feathers, incense burning and chillout music on! So you take them home, happy and relaxed - perfect!

Then later we went to the frozen yoghurt place and BROKE TRADITION (!!!) by having a milkshake - frozen yog and red fruits - delish! I was hoping for more of it, but Asha LOVED it! Then a wander, saw all kinds of people (and also a rabbit on a lead being walked?!?) and finally a good hour or so in the park. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fresh juice - been feeling off-colour for a few days...hoping some juice of carrots/oranges/lemons/limes/ginger/red pepper will blast it (into infinity, and beyond!! - sorry, Asha's got Toy Story on whilst I'm blipping!)!
2) Bumping into one of the Summer School helpers at the fro-yo place - she rushed over to Asha, picked her up off her seat and cuddled her SO tightly - it was lovely to watch!
3) When we arrived at the park, a girl had fallen over and had got blood on her face, she was refusing to go home....gave her some wet wipes...I felt really touched watching a little lad (must only have been about 10) tenderly cleaning up her wound....
I felt grateful to think that the boys in Asha's generation might grow into caring men. 

And now for dinner....

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