Yay! The Tomatoes Survived!
We are back, and before each of us, Happy_Janwen and me, there is a trial and a delight of Back-Blippage! But before even that can begin, there is gardening...
Delightfully, for once the tomato plants have survived our absence, thanks to our most excellent neighbours - who also fed and watered the chickens while we were away, and hopefully gained a goodly number of eggs in return.
The lawn was a foot high tangle of seed heads and clover, and the lettuces have bolted, and I had to top the pond up a goodly amount to make up for evaporation... but we're home. Oh, home. Lovely home.
We had a smashing time in the south of France, looking after W's two gites from the comfort of her farmhouse home from home. There were... incidents... as ever there are; the last of which was me losing my boarding pass in the bare seconds between going through customs control (where I showed it) and picking up my bag after the security search (where it was goned!), but we surmounted them all. Yay us.
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