Garden roses......

a little bit scrappy and full of little insects but at least they're scented.  I had a busy day, dare I say a happy day.....  I went to Fitsteps this morning, it was boiling and I left with quite a glow!  Drop my husband at the station so he can go to Henley Regatta for the day, go to the bathroom shop to get a much needed new shower head (the old one exploded on my husband last night), then picked up my friend Susie for a coffee and yummy Victoria Sandwich at a new cafe set up by a friend of ours.  By the time I got home it was gone 2 p.m and I had all the clearing up to do.  After that, I had a nice cuppa sitting on my bed with my iPad catching a lovely breeze through the open large window.  Little B had a walk it the park later.  It was perfect weather, a little cloudy with a warm breeze.  I shall leave out the part where my husband lost his temper and shouted at me because he thought the guy in the bathroom shop had given me a part which didn't fit..... only to find after a 15 minute rant that actually, it did....... 

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