Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Watch out watch out there's a

Humphrey about!!!

How many of you remember this slogan from your childhood? For those that don't a certain milk company used red and white straws and a so called invisible creature they called Humphrey, we use to collect stickers and all types of things and it probably went on how much milk you bought off the milkman as to how many stickers you had.

On today's blip we thankfully had a much cooler walk after yesterday's ridiculous temperature, Coventry was the second highest temperature after Heathrow and were not that far from Coventry.

Whilst at work I had a text from Severn Trent water to tell me there was a problem and our water supply was off fantastic on the hottest day on record!!!!
Thankfully when I got home at 10.30 a cold beer had been poured and the water was back on:)

We walked up past the old Hatton hospital today which in its time had a self contained village with several farms, this is the back of Turkey farm no guess what they kept??
This is the steps where the milk churns sat and Roo waits for a glimpse of Humphrey.

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