Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Raindrops and roses ....

Fan, iPhone charger, Panadols from Egypt, Brazilian purse, pen, packet of tissues, anti-histamine pills. Mozzie spray, Spanish iPhone, two Elastoplasts, six loose tissues, UK mobile phone, house keys, empty Nurofen bubble pack, lip salve, Strepsils, face mask for sandstorms in Cairo, lamp fitting, antiseptic cream, after-bite ointment, sewing kit, antibacterial hand gel, Rennies indigestion pills, torch, chewing gum, two birthday cake candles, emery board, eye drops, neighbour's email address on scrap of paper, two shop and one restaurant business cards, Cairo ATM withdrawal slip, bits of fluff.

..... these are a few of my necessary things (in my handbag)... to be emptied tomorrow!

Enviado do meu iPad

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