Dead Dog

It was Squirrels turn to make a photogram today (which I forgot to photograph).

I had hoped the dog rose would last until today. It didn't.

This afternoon I took the monsters to the newly refurbished playpark along the road.
It isn't as big as the other one that was done last year - but they still had
great fun and found challenges (after all - the main pies is meant for kids a lot older).
There was one mother who freaked out at her boy (4 or 5 years old) climbing up the slide (it is only about 7' high) telling him he wasn;t big enough to do that - meanwhile Squirrel (not yet 3) was climbing rope ladders and making her way over a rope bridge to get to the slide.
Some people just need to cut the cord!
The zip line was definitely a hit - - again .....looks of horror that the monsters were using it and screaming out to go faster.

Well done to those who got up and watched/photographed the thunder and lightning at 1am this morning.
I was far too lazy and the monsoon like rain was not encouraging.
SWMBO snored through it all.

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