The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Red leaves, blue pot (unfortunately not in shot)

Another busy day, with a twelve hour fundraising danceathon going on in the hall, and strains of Agadoo and YMCA wafting our way throughout the day. We did our bit, of course.

My favourite conversation was the one about dinosaurs, between two three-year-olds:

"Argentinosaurus is the heavyweight".
"Yes, he's heavier than diplodocus".

But of course! Until today I'd never even heard of Argentinosaurus. Apparently it weighed as much as twenty elephants.

So here is the miniature acer from the garden. I was hoping to blip some raindrops, but went instead for the contrast between blue pot and red leaves. Sadly the blue pot wasn't even in shot! But hey ho, I was cooking risotto at the same time and packing my bag for climbing. Onwards and upwards, as they say somewhere.

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