Sitting this one out

Tess's P7 leavers concert was a cornucopia of ITV style variety performance. Be-fringed and tutu'd dancers keeping each other right with occassional glances, mike clinging singers looking nervously out to the audience for reassuring smiles from their mum and dad, focussed guitarists strumming and keeping the beat, poetry from quiet, timid wee souls and magic and fortune telling from the braver. And all of this was interjected by some fantastic drumming, a mashup songstrell and a magician's assistant with some top notch banter. And for dessert, some pictures from memory lane, charting the transition of these 11 and 12 year olds, on the cusp of moving from being the big fish in a little pond to being small fish in a big pond, from their chubby cheeks and nursery sports day medals to the hair straightened and crew cutted lot they are now.

Was a tough gig for Tess. With her ankle still hurting, she had to come to terms with the fact she had been dropped and replaced in her lineup before she'd even been had a chance to say ouch. That's showbiz. The show must go on, no room to accommodate chair dancing perhaps. But although she didn't get to bust some sweet moves, she still got to sing, and for those three songs, she fairly enjoyed giving it laldy. And afterwards, Sam provided her with the much needed hug as we left for the car, and so they walked (or limped) together in harmony for a few brief moments, before they reverted to type and started annoying each other again.

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