sat on the path, huddled together, sleepy and the parents watched. They did not bother to move when I came near and made a portrait of two of them.
I had gone in the early morning, wanting to avoid the hot air that I suspected to arrive later.
Tonight we will attend a literary event organized by the magazine Exstaze and Mischa and I will go early to give a hand, as we usually do, Piet Hein will come later and he too will help. The theme of tonight is the life and work of Frans Kellendonk (1951-1990), the dutch writer, who wrote novels and translated many books from the english language.

My haiku:

A duck is a duck
Is a duck and stays a duck
Even a Moscovitch

And the quote byW. Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up (1938:

I have never met an author  who admitted that people did not buy his book because it was dull.

I once read this book by Somerset Maughan, a delightful book if I remember well.

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