Great Night

Tonight was the culmination of our Arts Week.  

The students put on a concert for the Community.  We name it the Step-Up Concert for a number of reasons, one being that the students "step up" to the challenge.

The night started of fabulously when I decided to buy a pizza for a quick dinner before the concert.  I had the most superb salmon pizza from a local establishment.  Wow!  I'll definitely be back for more.

Then the concert itself was a classic combination of dance, acting, singing and magic.  Our students impress me more and more each year.
I took over 400 photos (in the hope of getting 20 good ones) because my lens/camera does so poorly in low light.  Still, I managed to get some clear ones.

My blip choice is NOT one of the clear ones - but I just love the sense of movement and the sheer joy of the performance.

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