One More.....

.....nostalgia moment  This one shows you how they celebrated a heat wave back in the good old days.  The heat wave we're having here in the Pacific Northwest has temperatures pushed into the 90s and that's waaayyyy too hot for me, but I thought this picture fit the situation.

That's my Aunt Myra (age 15) on the far left and three of her chums in 1920.  I'm sure they were wearing the latest fashion in swimwear and in case you're wondering, yes, the suits are made out of wool and those are "beach boots" they're wearing with wool stockings.

Women who wore fashionable but daring outfits like these had to be on the lookout for the beach police who patrolled with measuring tapes in hand, measuring the distance between the bottom of a woman’s bathing suit and her knee.  Too much bare skin could result in a hefty $10 fine or even get her hauled off to jail.  Most of the modesty rules were gone by the mid-twenties because women simply didn’t follow them and the men were enjoying the new views so much they didn't want them enforced. 

Despite the fact that we seem to have gone from one fashion extreme to another, and despite the fact that I was never a bikini candidate at my best, I can't imagine enjoying the beach dressed in anything like this.  

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