In the pink

How hot and sticky has it been today?! We walked down into town this morning, boy were we glad to get back, no energy at humid!

We had planned to do some work in the garden, but that was a nonstarter! We had soft brown rolls with tuna and cucumber for lunch, which I managed to eat ;-) tooth (well lack of it!) is a bit better today.....thanks for all your concerns :-)

Watched some tennis, well done to Heather Watson! Took a few shots around the gardens his afternoon......this is the one I liked best, a pink ......omg it's name has just disappeared and I can't for the life of me remember it now!! It will come back to me......

A blue cheese, pancetta, pear & walnut salad, which was rather nice, even if I say so myself ;-)

Then a quick shower to cool down and off to my last camera class :-( we had some paperwork to complete and did a session on flash photography. We now have two projects to work on over the next few months, until we resume next January. I think I'm going to reserve Wednesday nights for photo related stuff, to keep my hand in :-)

We've just had a big thunderstorm (after hub has watered the garden ;-) which has cleared the air a little, but it's still warm.

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