
By Madchickenwoman


Third time a charm? Not for me! Absolutely foul mood today - even Milly and Tilly got on my nerves! If I put them in their run they squawked, if they were out they were pecking at me, trying to get at my food, pooping all over the place or just generally irritating me! Even fat Cat wanted cuddles when I went for a sleep in the afternoon - so not in a cuddling mood!
 I had finished the book I started yesterday and this left me morose - I read compulsively once I start a book, I get totally immersed in the characters and story  and read to the exclusion of anything else and have to force myself to stop to even  make something to eat. I was up till 3am the previous night - that might have something to do with my mood today!! Once a book is finished I mourn the fact the characters and their world have left me. However I discovered the book was actually the first in a trilogy, so opened up Amazon and ebay and bought the others! This pleased me but did not sustain  the uplift in my mood. Decided I was going stir crazy so took myself off to the allotment in the eve.
First I dropped a photo on my usb stick to Unicycle Girl - she used to do circus skills and UV stick light shows as a business and is a fellow book club member, she always chooses the most interesting books. I once inadvertently spread a falsehood about her, Vegan Jo said she had gone to work in Ibiza, so I put 2 and 2 together and decided she was doing topless unicycling in one of the clubs! In fact she was doing circus skills at one of the hotels for kids!! But she loved the fact everyone believed my version! 
Next the allotment with a compost bin and bag of decomposing veg the fruit flies had been having a feast upon! Quick check of the girls then major watering - so dry! Plants were ok but another day might have been fatal! It was not as warm as yesterday and thunder had been rumbling around and there was the odd plop of raindrops. No lightning but I kept my camera with me just in case!
After watering I picked strawberries both fat and Alpine, and raspberries - giving the old and nibbled ones to the girls - they are bored with strawberries but the Alpine ones and raspberries were a hit! Finally a session of taking photographs. The light played gorgeously on everything and the familiar landscape of trees, fields and the viaduct  soothed my ruffled feathers but did  not ease the burning in my shoulder blade. The bees have stung me well and truely today. If I had not gone to the allotment you may well have got a B&W crows in dead tree blip! Perhaps a wallpaper looking wild rose, that the previous day had been framed against brilliant blue but today was on stark white! After the allotment it could have been luscious Blackcurrants or rampant Alpines - but instead it's my favourite Verbena bonariensis  with my favourite trees on the skyline. A happy end to a Grrrrr day!  
The rest are here!

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